Syi'ir Tanpo Wathon - Gus Dur

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Hampir tiap hari di masjid-masjid selalu bergema sya'ir “Syi’ir Tanpo Wathon” ini, memang “Syi’ir Tanpo Waton” ini termasuk juga Koleksi Lagu Islami, pengen punya mp3-nya dan download di internet, sayang sekali tidak tahu judulnya apa, dan akhirnya beli VCD-nya dan setelah beli baru tahu deh judulnya dan setelah itu cari di internet, eh ternyata ada dan gratis Tapi ga papa deh, itung-itung ngasih rejeki pada penjual VCD-nya.
Syi’ir ‘tanpo waton’ ini adalah salah satu kenang-kenangan dari Gus Dur, syi’ir (Syair) ini merupakan sedikit oleh-oleh pemikiran Islam Gus Dur bagi segenap umat islam pada khususnya. Dalam syi’ir ini, beliau berbagi ilmu, kritik bagi sesama muslim, dan banyak hal yang beliau berikan dalam beberapa baris syair. Dari ajakan untuk tidak sekedar membaca Al-Qur’an, namun juga seharusnya kita belajar memahami isinya. Mengkritisi pihak-pihak yang (suka) mengkafirkan orang lain namun tidak memperhatikan kekafiran dirinya sendiri. Dan masih banyak pesan lainnya.
Lirik “Syi’ir Tanpo Waton” dan artinya
Syair Arti
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهْ رَبَّ الْبَرَايَا * أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهْ مِنَ الْخَطَايَا
رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا نَافِعَا * وَوَفِّقْنِي عَمَلاً صَالِحَا
ياَ رَسُولَ اللهْ سَلاَمٌ عَلَيْكْ * يَا رَفِيْعَ الشَّانِ وَ الدَّرَجِ
عَطْفَةً يَّاجِيْرَةَ الْعَالَمِ * يَا أُهَيْلَ الْجُودِ وَالْكَرَمِ
Ngawiti ingsun nglaras syi’iran …aku memulai menembangkan syi’ir
Kelawan muji maring Pengeran …dengan memuji kepada Tuhan
Kang paring rohmat lan kenikmatan …yang memberi rohmat dan kenikmatan
Rino wengine tanpo pitungan 2X …siang dan malamnya tanpa terhitung
Duh bolo konco priyo wanito …wahai para teman pria dan wanita
Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko …jangan hanya belajar syari’at saja
Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco …hanya pandai bicara, menulis dan membaca
Tembe mburine bakal sengsoro 2X …esok hari bakal sengsara
Akeh kang apal Qur’an Haditse …banyak yang hapal Qur’an dan Haditsnya
Seneng ngafirke marang liyane …senang mengkafirkan kepada orang lain
Kafire dewe dak digatekke …kafirnya sendiri tak dihiraukan
Yen isih kotor ati akale 2X …jika masih kotor hati dan akalnya
Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro …gampang terbujuk nafsu angkara
Ing pepaese gebyare ndunyo …dalam hiasan gemerlapnya dunia
Iri lan meri sugihe tonggo …iri dan dengki kekayaan tetangga
Mulo atine peteng lan nisto 2X …maka hatinya gelap dan nista
Ayo sedulur jo nglaleake …ayo saudara jangan melupakan
Wajibe ngaji sak pranatane …wajibnya mengkaji lengkap dengan aturannya
Nggo ngandelake iman tauhide …untuk mempertebal iman tauhidnya
Baguse sangu mulyo matine 2X …bagusnya bekal mulia matinya
Kang aran sholeh bagus atine …Yang disebut sholeh adalah bagus hatinya
Kerono mapan seri ngelmune …karena mapan lengkap ilmunya
Laku thoriqot lan ma’rifate …menjalankan tarekat dan ma’rifatnya
Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane 2 X …juga hakikat meresap rasanya
Al Qur’an qodim wahyu minulyo …Al Qur’an qodim wahyu mulia
Tanpo tinulis biso diwoco …tanpa ditulis bisa dibaca
Iku wejangan guru waskito …itulah petuah guru mumpuni
Den tancepake ing jero dodo 2X …ditancapkan di dalam dada
Kumantil ati lan pikiran …menempel di hati dan pikiran
Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jeroan …merasuk dalam badan dan seluruh hati
Mu’jizat Rosul dadi pedoman …mukjizat Rosul(Al-Qur’an) jadi pedoman
Minongko dalan manjinge iman 2 X …sebagai sarana jalan masuknya iman
Kelawan Alloh Kang Moho Suci …Kepada Alloh Yang Maha Suci
Kudu rangkulan rino lan wengi ….harus mendekatkan diri siang dan malam
Ditirakati diriyadohi …diusahakan dengan sungguh-sungguh secara ihlas
Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali 2X …dzikir dan suluk jangan sampai lupa
Uripe ayem rumongso aman …hidupnya tentram merasa aman
Dununge roso tondo yen iman …mantabnya rasa tandanya beriman
Sabar narimo najan pas-pasan …sabar menerima meski hidupnya pas-pasan
Kabeh tinakdir saking Pengeran 2X …semua itu adalah takdir dari Tuhan
Kelawan konco dulur lan tonggo …terhadap teman, saudara dan tetangga
Kang podho rukun ojo dursilo …yang rukunlah jangan bertengkar
Iku sunahe Rosul kang mulyo …itu sunnahnya Rosul yang mulia
Nabi Muhammad panutan kito 2x …Nabi Muhammad tauladan kita
Ayo nglakoni sakabehane …ayo jalani semuanya
Alloh kang bakal ngangkat drajate …Allah yang akan mengangkat derajatnya
Senajan asor toto dhohire …Walaupun rendah tampilan dhohirnya
Ananging mulyo maqom drajate 2X …namun mulia maqam derajatnya di sisi Allah
Lamun palastro ing pungkasane …ketika ajal telah datang di akhir hayatnya
Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane …tidak tersesat roh dan sukmanya
Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone …dirindukan Allah surga tempatnya
Utuh mayite ugo ulese 2X …utuh jasadnya juga kain kafannya
ياَ رَسُولَ اللهْ سَلاَمٌ عَلَيْكْ * يَا رَفِيْعَ الشَّانِ وَ الدَّرَجِ
عَطْفَةً يَّاجِيْرَةَ الْعَالَم * يَا أُهَيْلَ الْجُودِ وَالْكَرَمِ

800 Gallons Commercial RO / Day | DivaroPro Reverse Osmosis System

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1500 Gallons Commercial RO / Day | DivaroPro Reverse Osmosis System

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Membrane Filmtec 100 GPD

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Membrane Reverse Osmosis - Membrane Filmtec 100 GPD

(378 liter/hr)
Membran dengan ukuran pori 0.0001 mikron, mampu untuk menyaring berbagai polutan berbahaya

3000 Gallons Commercial RO / Day

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Reverse Osmosis Sytem Units - 3000 Gallons Commercial RO / Day

Salt rejection(%)
(2000PPM Nacl)
97 ~ 99%
15 ~ 50%
100 ~ 200
RO Membrane Housing
TFC Polyamide
4040 x 2
High Pressure Pump
Vertical Centrifugal Revolution
AC 110V / 220V / 380V, 60HZ, 50HZ
Power Distribution
IC Controller
(L)60cm x (W)60cm x (H)155cm
1.       Controlled in the whole course.
2.       Auto flushing membrane.
3.       Self cleaning membrane.
4.       Displaying pressure degree in the whole course.
5.       Water Quality Monitor.
6.       Full water controller.
7.       Automatic power down system when insufficient water occurred.
8.       Waste water check valve.
1.       Import water temp. < 45o(113oF)
2.       Sludge index number (SDI) < 5
3.       Chlorine = 0 mg/L
4.       Iron < 0.01 mg/L
5.       Sclero-meter < 10 mg/L
6.       Muddy degree < 1 NTU
7.       PH degree : 2~111 TDS degree < below 6000PPM

1st Stage --- Sand Filter (Optional)
2nd Stage --- Carbon Filter(Optional)
3rd Stage --- Water Softener Filter(Optional)
4th Stage --- 4040 RO Membrane x 2
Storage Tank is optional

Petunjuk Penggunaan Plug-In MW Add-on Manager!

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If you are familiar with MW Addon you know how useful it can be managing your day to day routine of repetitive tasks in Mafia Wars! If not: Read This Post About MW Addon and it's various features! Well if there is a feature that happens to be available through a bookmark-let that you happen to like, but isn't included in MW Addon then this feature is just what you are looking for!

Here are the steps to install a bookmark-let into MW Addon:
note: if you already have the bookmark-let "installed" in your browser just right click and copy the bookmark-let and skip to the 4th step where you can start adding the bookmark-let to the plug-in manager window.

  • Go to the bookmark-let site of your choosing such as Spockholm or choose from my list of bookmark-lets I have on my blog (located in the links section at the top of the page) and find a bookmark-let that you are interested in installing (For the purpose of the example I will be showing you how to install Assassin-A-Nator)

  •  After it opens the panel at the bottom of the screen it will take you to the area of code that you have chosen to inspect, right click the link relevant to the bookmark-let and click edit attribute. Generally the object will be highlighted blue as is shown below.

  • Once the link only is showing up highlighted as pictured below you can hit CTRL-C to copy it to your clipboard. If for some reason it doesn't automatically select the text after hitting edit attributes you can select it by holding down you left click button and drag across the desired text like you normally would to highlight any other kind of text on a web page.

  • Now it's time to open up the Plug-In Manager Settings Window. Just open your MW Addon window by moving your mouse of the Green Arrow and Click the Plug-In Manager from the menu.

  • Once the Settings window has loaded you can click Add New plugin and Enter a name for the bookmark-let and paste the code you have copied into the window below. Then click save and if that is the only bookmark-let you want you can click the small X in the upper-right hand corner to exit. Otherwise just repeat the previous steps to add more Plug-Ins.

  • Now you can load the MW Addon Menu and when you go to Plug-Ins you will see the list of Bookmark-lets you have added and can click whichever one you want to run without having to be Unframed!

  •  As you can see I am running Assassin-a-Nator in the normal "Framed" version of Mafia Wars inside facebook. 

Mafia Wars Add-On untuk Chrome & Firefox

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There is an "Add-On" for Mafia Wars that you can install to chrome and firefox, it has a good majority of the features that the bookmark-lets from spockholm tools and code outpost let you accomplish but there is no need to Un-Frame and they are easily accessible and for the most part work better and are more pleasing to use. It is called "FB MafiaWars Addon" and can be downloaded here
Firefox users need to download greasemonkey first and then you can install the addon. (For firefox version 4 or higher I reccomend using Scriptish instead of greasemonkey)
Chrome users need to download the main Addon and then also download an additional plugin that enables numerous new features, if you don't install the plugin it will prompt you to download it when you try to access them.

(Get the newest version here)
(Previous versions can be found here)
When it is loading properly it will say FB Mafia Wars Addon and the current version number above Mafia Wars when you load it up, and you will have the option to check for updates or unframe the page as well if you would like.

A green arrow is visible at the top-left of the screen where the City Name is displayed.

Moving your mouse over the green arrow will display the menu and page shortcuts.

New Main Program Options & Configuration Screens

Ratios Required To Level Up

The ratio of energy/stamina -> Experience Payout shows up in the Job Frame

New Features For Posting Opertaions

Main Battlefield Screen
*Download These Settings For You To Import*

Battlefield While Fighting

Free Gifts Page

Free Gifts Feed Acceptor

Free Gift Links Mass Acceptor

Free Gifts Configuration Screen

The Multi Gifter Screen

Plug-In Manager
Check Out Petunjuk Penggunaan Plug-In Manager for more info..

My Links Screen

Collect All Cities Screen

Inventory Analyzer

Explanation of Inventory Analyzer Headers

Inventory Analyzer Item Details

Detailed Stats Show Up at the Bottom Of The Analyzer

Mafia Wiper (Removes Mafia Members Who Aren't Friends Anymore)

Home Feed Center

News Helper

Atlantic City Popup (Collect Your Bonus)

Here is a detailed explination of each menu item:

FBMW Addon Menu: Link your URL Shortening account and set program options.

Home Feed Center: Checks the mafia wars live feed continuousy and automatically performs actions you set in the configuration like "Go to War, Give Social Help, Social Missions, Claim Bonus And Reward, Collect Loot, Porperty, Help, Get Boost, Send Energy And Phones."

Marketzone: You can purchase the higher end Items with Victory Coins In one screen.

Gifts Page (Short Links): Performs the same actions as link-a-nator but can use for shortening and has more gifts than are normally there and you can send gifts as well.

News Page (AutoHelper): Finds all available actions that are currently available to perfom and who you would like to help from the News Feeds (Top News, Recent News, Combat)

Collect All Cities: You can collect from all your propertes and have it bank at selected cities after you collect.

Battlefield: Works much like brawler does but is more graphical and is easier to use and allows you to post coins and share loot which brawler does not.

Craft Manager: Allows you to build items from your NY propertys like Crafty 'Lil Helper but has a graphical interface and updates with newer items unlike Crafty.

Multi Gifter: You can send multiple gifts to multple people at once and is much easier to navigate than the MW Gifter.

Crime Spree: You can get the shortlink for your Crime Spree or Post a request for people to send you a crime spree and also go to your Crime Spree Page.

Promotion: Options to get the promote me link and post a Promotion Comment to your profile.

Mafia Wiper: Searches through all your current Mafia Members to see who isn't your friend and allows you to veiw their facebook page, delete them individually, or delete all who arent your friend anymore.

Go Atlantic City: You can play the mobile game in a pop-up that is normally restricted to mobile phone usage and play atlantic city and collect a daily bonus as well.

Hope you enjoy and have fun with this Add-On! ~Happy Gaming!~
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